LookUp provides many more features and the following pages only want to show you some of the features we think important for terminology management.
By far not everyhing has been explained on our website yet, but we are working on it.
Easy Import As you feel confident with LookUp as a tool, you might want to import your legacy terminology. LookUp offers two ways of importing data. You can copy terminology from a list created with Mircosoft...
Printing In order to facilitate the printing and publication of your terminological data, LookUp offers a variety of printing options that are accesible via the Printout/Export tab. Here you can decide whe...
Housekeeping If you want to reorganise large quantities of entries, i.e. when a subject gets too big, just work in table view and/or use complex filter functions or simply mark and reallocate certain terms.
Advanced Lexicography LookUp's detail view If you want to add more information regarding a given term, simply doubleclick on the entry, and you will have access to a fully fledged terminology system. You can even enter...
Confidence Rating LookUp also contains a data field that allows you to rate the confidence level of any given term, e.g. by adding the attributes "booth solution", "verified" or "team consensus" to the respective entry
Cascading Filters
Concept Fields
Printable version