LookUp Pro

LookUp Professional version is our standard product for termonology management.
The following list provides an overview of the latest features.

Our Quick Guide provides the basic LookUp knowledge to get started in only a few minutes while the advanced features describe more detailed functions. Read more about the features of LookUp Pro in Features.

The most recent version available to our customers is 2.3.7.

latest version

supporting any 5 languages
fast search while interpreting
search results displayied in list
complete terminographic details available for each term
chronological or alphabetical order
subjects and project/conferences definable
configuration of appearance and colors
dynamic form size !!
more than 10 different printouts
full text search
import from various formats
export to Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word (if available)
display 2 or 3 languages at a time
control hyperlinks for each entry
add links to all kind of media data

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